

Engineering Consulting

Dunn Engineering provides mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) consulting.  Our designs are known for being practical and efficient from both a cost and energy consumption perspective.  Our experience as contractors has enabled us to create designs that not only meet the applicable building codes but also make sense from an installation standpoint.

Owner Representation & Project Management

Dunn Engineering can assist with the selection of consultant and construction teams, contract drawing development, requests for proposals, equipment procurement, budget development, project management and oversight of commissioning processes.  We take pride in delivering projects from an infant stage to completion on-time and in-budget.

Design Optimization/Value Engineering

Overdesigned MEP infrastructure, which is quite common in the industry, leads to equipment operation challenges, reduced equipment efficiencies, increased capital expenditures and project delivery delays.  Dunn Engineering provides a different perspective on MEP design to both owners and other consulting engineers that alleviates many of these issues.  We would rather see a client spend money on something that generates revenue for their business instead.

Conceptual Estimating

The establishment of accurate budgets during the infant stages of projects can be quite beneficial for all involved.  Dunn Engineering can provide detailed conceptual estimates for electrical systems regardless of the level of detail provided on the contract drawing sets.  These estimates can be a great tool to monitor cost during the drawing development process and raise awareness to design decisions that may place the project budget in danger.

Design/Build/Assist Services

Dunn Engineering can partner up with another consulting engineer or a contractor and assist in developing contract drawings.  We have a significant amount of experience delivering both design/build and design/assist projects.

Equipment Specification & Procurement

Owner furnished, contractor installed (OFCI) equipment has become a mainstay in the construction industry.  Dunn Engineering can assist owners in providing optimized mechanical, electrical and plumbing OFCI packages.